Monday, December 9, 2013


How did Michael Jordan Revolutionize the sport of Basketball?

I hope after reading my blog you can answer this question with ease, but to sum it up Michael Jordan is considered the greatest player of all-time, enough said. Not only did Michael change the sport of Basketball he even changed the entire marketing side of the sport as well. Michael Jordan's Brand alone each year feeds 1 Billion dollars into out nations economy with statistics such as:

  • The Jordan brand has a 10.8 percent share of the overall US shoe market, which makes it the second biggest brand in the country and more than twice the size of Adidas’ share.
  • Three out of every four pairs of basketball shoes sold in this country are Jordan, while 86.5 percent of all basketball shoes sold over $100 are Jordan.

What Michael Jordan did on an off the court is truly inspiring, Michael will go down as one of the most successful players, and business men in history, and will never be forgotten

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